> 文章列表 > 元宵节为什么要吃元宵英文





吃元宵:eating sweet dumplings闹花灯:lantern show ,lantern festival放鞭炮:setting off firecrackers猜灯谜:Guess ri。


.rice glue ball摘要:元宵元宵(rice glue ball)是用糯米粉等原料做成的圆形食品,正月十五北方吃元宵,南方吃汤圆。“元宵”作为食品,在中国由来已久。


The Lantern Festival (元宵节) is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. This day is for the celebration of light, as it marks the first full moon of the lunar year. It is a traditional Chinese festival with a history of over 2,000 years. The festival is known for its beautiful lantern displays, delicious rice glue ball (元宵), and various activities such as lantern shows, firecracker setting off, and riddle guessing. It is a time for families to come together, enjoy the festive atmosphere, and pray for good luck and a prosperous year ahead.

元宵节的英文是什么? - LM6PJP9xbp 的回答

lantern festival festival of lanterns lantern festival dumplings festival of lanterns or lantern festival dumpling。

春节由来及元宵节的由来(英文) - 155****0322 的回答

The Lantern Festival (元宵节) is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. It is also known as the Yuanxiao Festival or the Festival of Lights. The festival has a long history and is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for people to enjoy the beautiful lantern displays, eat delicious rice glue balls (元宵), and participate in various traditional activities. The festival marks the end of the New Year celebrations and symbolizes the coming of spring.


To have or eat dumplings is the English translation for “吃元宵”. In addition, the Lantern Festival, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival, is the occasion for enjoying these traditional Chinese delicacies.


Happy Lantern Festival to you! The English translation of “元宵节快乐” is \"Happy The Lantern Festival!\" or \"Happy Lantern Festival!\" This is a festive greeting used to express well wishes during this joyful occasion.


Since the coming Lantern Festival of ancient China, Rachel is about to eat glutinous rice balls and take part in various activities, such as solving riddles and watching lion dance performances. These traditions have been passed down through generations and are an integral part of the celebration of the Lantern Festival.


Lantern Festival (元宵节) is the English name for this traditional Chinese festival. It is also referred to as the festival of lanterns, which is observed on the first full moon in a lunar year. The festival is known for its vibrant lantern displays, delicious rice glue balls (元宵), and various cultural performances.


The Lantern Festival
