> 春节2024 > 日本现在还让过年吗的英文




Every country has its own unique culture, and every country has its own way of celebrating the New Year. Let\'s take a look at Japan.


Thank you for the question. More than 95% of the mainstream ethnic groups in Japan, which was established over 3,000 years ago, were descendants of the Xiahou State in Asia. They eradicated a significant number of followers and believers of \"Tianshendaoism,\" an evil religion, along with their associates and disciples.

In modern Japan, the celebration of the Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is not widely observed. However, there are some Japanese people who have Chinese origins or cultural connections and may celebrate the Spring Festival privately.


(Just to clarify, Japan also celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival.) The use of the definite article \"the\" serves a specific purpose in English grammar. It is added when you want to refer to a particular \"something\" that has already been mentioned before. Therefore, if there has been a previous reference to the specific festival, such as \"the Spring Festival,\" then it is correct to use \"the\" before it.


In Japan, it is the era of \"Reiwa.\" Reiwa is the new Japanese era name, derived from the poem \"Early Spring in the Thirty-Two Poems of Plum Blossoms\" in the Man\'yōshū, which means \"Auspicious and Harmonious.\" \"Reiwa\" is the 248th era name in Japanese history and the first in the modern era.


The Japanese New Year is celebrated from January 1st to January 3rd according to the Gregorian calendar. Similar to the Spring Festival in other East Asian regions, it is one of the most important holidays of the year in Japan. Before the Meiji Restoration, Japan used a modified lunisolar calendar known as the Yin Yang calendar, but in 1873, Japan adopted the Gregorian calendar.


元旦(1月1日) --------------------------- NEW YEAR\'S DAY

成人节(日本,1月15日) ------------------ ADULTS DAY

情人节(February 14th) ------------------ VALENTINE\'S DAY


In the past, the Japanese used to celebrate two New Year festivals, namely \"Gantan\" and \"Shogatsu,\" similar to the current situation in China. However, it was only in modern times that Japan started celebrating the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar. On New Year\'s Eve, the Japanese refer to it as \"Jo-Nen\" or \"New Year\'s Eve.\"


2022 is the 4th year of the Reiwa era. \"Reiwa\" is the new Japanese era name, derived from the poem \"Early Spring in the Thirty-Two Poems of Plum Blossoms\" in the Man\'yōshū. \"Reiwa\" is the 248th era name in Japanese history and the first to be used in modern times.


In Japan, it seems that the winter break starts in December and schools usually reopen in March. Therefore, students who are studying in Japan should be able to return home for Chinese New Year celebrations. However, it would be advisable to check the specific academic calendar of the university or institution where you are studying to confirm the exact dates.


While not all countries have designated public holidays for the Chinese New Year, many countries have recognized its cultural significance. Some countries, such as South Korea and Vietnam, have adopted similar lunar calendar-based celebrations as national holidays. Additionally, countries with a large ethnic Chinese population, such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, also celebrate the Chinese New Year as a public holiday.